(a photo of the outside of the Atlanta Soto Zen Center at dusk)
What a life five days can live
a 30 people lotus flower blossoming in Atlanta heat
Moment by moment experiencing/being the Dharma
backs ache, knees sore, tea drank, mind-opening, smiling
we sat
Complete in every way that contextual understanding is not so
as water in the ocean does not vie to be wave at the expense of the sky
Sitting is not sitting but just as calling a dog's name we realize IT is more than a definition
endlessness is boundless no time and no space at the heart just sharing ourselves being
Buddha Nature
When all cannot be lost there is no need to think of gain
the petals have now dropped away blown far and wide into and beyond the heat of hot Atlanta's
jukai, sesshin, conference, 40th-lottery-auction-SilentThunder Band, smiling embracing sangha
compassion, loving-kindness, joy and equanimity, pure land right there and then had its five days
in the sun...