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Minding for Joy

Unshin Sangaku

​​Our Buddhism Book Bunch (BBB) just finished a conversation about:

The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World is a book by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu published in 2016 by Cornerstone Publishers. In this nonfiction, the authors discuss the challenges of living a joyful life. One commentator noted that both of the authors faced oppression and exile and yet have been able to maintain their compassion and forgiveness despite this. The commentator also noted the theme of the book is that fear, anger, and hatred exist internally as much as externally (see

It is a a love story about two octogenarians exploring life from their routes each lined with pain and joy.

A wonderful aspect of the book is the ease of relationship, the purity of enjoying each other. Which maybe at the heart is where meaning lives a sensible existence. This meaning goes beyond saying, "it is what it is," rather by experiencing the meaning at the same level and at the same time as another- the process of wholehearted giving and receiving is joy-us. The book is also a website of joyful exploration using scientific data and faith-based beliefs to awaken to this joy of existence.

Tonight we'll hear from the Archbishop and the Dali Lama while they are exuding their joy. Who knows maybe our own joy will show up if we mind...

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