Every-once-in-a-while Tuesday night Dharma Discussion becomes an open forum. This means come loaded with questions. So it is this Tuesday night October 1, 2019
WhatistimeWhydidMatsuokacomefromtheWestDogen'steacherswere HowdoweknowHuinengheardwhatLawandassumption MuHowoldisSTO NagarjunaTeaHowcanyoumakeamirrorbypolishingatile WashyourbowlsWhyfall-downsevenandget-upeightWhereareyougoingafteryouleavehere WhyaflowerastoneonbambooatileFaceDogCatLegPiggybackride Deadtreegrowingonstone
Of the eyes of the thousand-armed bodhisattva of compassion, which is the true eye?" LÃnjì repeats the question, adding "Answer me! Answer me!" Then, Ma-yu "dragged the Master down from the lecture seat and sat in it himself. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma_combat#cite_note-2