I met Sarah Athanas in 2014 when she joined us for services at The Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha. She had finished a documentary on how big corporations in South America attempted to control water supply by damming rivers, and had just returned to the Cape.
She then moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts, creating cooperative work spaces for entrepreneurs.
A student of Nelson Foster in the Diamond Sangha lineage, she first took the path of Zen in 2000 as a member of her university sitting group, affiliated with Berkeley Zen Center under the guidance of Mel Weitsman.
In 2009, Sarah moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and began practice with the Sangha Viento Del Sur (Southern Wind), part of the Diamond Sangha (Robert Aitken) and under the guidance of Daniel Terragno. Shortly after, she became a formal student of Daniel, and took precepts (jukai) with Viento del Sur Sangha in 2012.
After returning to Massachusetts in 2014, where she began sitting with East Rock Sangha, also in the Diamond Sangha lineage, under the guidance of Nelson Foster. She became an official student of Nelson in 2017. Sarah is grateful for the boundless generosity of sanghas and teachers she has encountered in her travels, and hosts a small zendo in her home to welcome new and old friends to the practice of Zen.
On Tuesday night January 18, 7:00 PM, at the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha Zoom service, https://zoom.us/j/7096899032?status=success#success password: FSZS as she helps us explore the depth of obscurity and clarification.
Deep Bows,