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Inside Out and Up and Down: Ango II

Unshin Sangaku

I'mmmmmmmm back!

After a marathon drive from Beaufort South Carolina arrived at midnight. Beaufort was a two day Dharma gate between Ango II and getting back to the laundry of life.

An "Intensive" is designed to be, well, intense! This Ango, turned out to be at least 25% more demanding than in November, as I made significant shifts in the amount of hours of sitting and less time sleeping. I also suspect my age caught me on more than one occasion.

But it was midnight Zazen and the increased hours with my teacher that were the most penetrating. I heard so many new ideas, from Taiun-roshi, many of which I hope to share with FSZS over the next several weeks. There was much, as in a lot, of rainy nights in Georgia. The rain on the roof of the Zendo at midnight made Zazen the spinning variety. The space and time there and then was fully alive. It was like I was in IT and it was unfolding my awareness of me. This was "just-sitting," or just-being:

Emptiness has a tinge of the familiar

arriving as it does unannounced and unassuming

wrapped in a cloak of semi-invisibility

smiling and winking at me


Tuesday August 7, 2018, there will be more about Ango II along with Dokusan being offered...see you in the Zendo...

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