An Invitation to Join a Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha Experiment!
For some time now, I have been pondering, how we might extend some of the better features of our Tuesday night service to an online format. So, I invite you to join me in an experiment called, drum roll please… Zen Online Wednesday.
To give people who may not be able join us in person, a taste of our Zen sangha / community
Because there is more than one-way to explore The Way.
An event anyone may join via their computer or cellphone.
Anyone with access to the Internet by phone, tablet, or computer, so invite friends.
Those who come to Sangha on Tuesday may also join-in on Wednesday as well
We will use a free app called Zoom.
You simply plug in an address I send you into your digital device you do not need to download the app. You email me to get the URL address and click it at 7PM/ET on Wednesday
This is a clear video and audio connection
Wednesday nights from 7:00-7:50 PM Eastern Time
STARTS WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6, 2019. We’ll do this for the month of February to see if enough people wish to participate! Give it a try…
Welcome: 2 minutes
Guided Zazen (meditation), I describe how to do it as you do it: 5 minutes
Dharma of the Night Talk, a talk by me about Buddhism and Zen: 10 minutes
Conversation: An opportunity to contribute as we explore the topic: 15 minutes
Topics we might explore in the future- “YOU NAME IT”: 2 minutes
Silent Zazen (meditation): 5 minutes
Closing chant: 1 minute
Gassho, thank you, and see you next Wednesday
Please Email me at:
This way you can ask questions and let me know your interest in giving this a try
There is a limit of 10 people each Wednesday