This Tuesday December 19, 2023, will be our last Tuesday night service of the year. So, I thought we might try something different. Hence it will be a bring your poem of choice, to share with the Sangha.
The stipulations are simple:
It may be something you write or a selection dear to you.
It should be short enough for you to read and allow time for all of us to respond-five minutes or less.
You can post these in the chat of zoom if you wish so we can follow along as you read.
Bring a second poem if you wish as we may have time for these as well.
The poem should be approached as Upaya, that is an exhibit of your practice that you can use to give us your insight of Dharma sharing. For example:Â
Walk and touch peace every moment. Walk and touch happiness every moment. Eachstep brings a fresh breeze. Each step makes a flower bloom. Kiss the Earth with your feet. Bring the Earth your love and happiness. The Earth will be safe when we feel safe in ourselves.
– Thich Nhat Hahn
My Commentary:Â
My practice of understanding my true self , reveals and enables my sharing with, and being renewed by the Universe, and is always available so that my actions can support reducing suffering in myself and others…each thing involves everything...
Please join us December 19, 2023, in person at the First Congregational Church of Falmouth or on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93329657728?pwd=K2RaSXRnd3NqckV0amhGSENIVzhKQT09#success password FSZS
See you all Tuesday night!
108 Bows