Sensei Joslyn,
A request and upcoming talk specifics below.
1) Can you share the event for your upcoming talk on the Falmouth Facebook page so your sangha is aware that you are speaking? We are also running a campaign on the STO and ASZC pages. https://www.facebook.com/events/523512768555487 2) Sunday Service Information
10:30 AM Soto Service. We will take 5 minutes to allow ASZC zendo to get setup to watch the talk and we will run powerpoint between services and talk.
10:40 AM Opening Verse and Introduction and Talk I will ask Sensei Elliston to do your introduction unless you would like someone else to do that piece.
11:15 AM Open Up to Q&A from online or zendo
11:45 Thanks Yous, Last Comments and Dana
11:50 AM Closing Verse
Let me know if you have any other needs for the talk. We are really looking forward to having you speak. Gassho, Fusatsu
Be Well. Apriel L. Jessup-Searcy “There is no try, only do(or be)! Yoda w/Apriel twist.