Please join us on Tuesday night March 19, 2024, at 7:00 EDT for our service and 8:00 EDT for a Dharma Talk from our friend Kuya Minoque.
We are at The First Congregational Church in Falmouth Massachusetts, and on Zoom.
Kuya received Jukai precepts from Roshi Jiyu Kennett at Shasta Abbey, California in 1986.
Kuya Minogue was given monk's ordination (tokudo) by Zenku Jerry Smyers at Mission Mountain Zen Centre, Montana in 2015. She is currently a disciple of Kate McCandless of Mountain Rain Zen Community in British Columbia.
She has published poetry and essays in Buddhist journals and anthologies, and has published Mountain and Rivers: A Weekly Practice Guide, a book based on the teachings of Norman Fischer-- see below.
She has fully recovered from severe infant and developmental trauma through guided application of Buddhist philosophy, psychology and practice.
Sangaku Dan Joslyn-sensei
Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha
Password: FSZS
