This February, marks the first anniversary of Mokuo Nancy Sherwood as the Practice Leader of the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha.
This Tuesday night, February 22, 2022, at 7:00 PM/EDT, Mokuo-san will speak about the role of the practice leader and what she has learned during the past twelve months in this role.
In addition to being Practice Leader, she also heads the Project on Women Ancestors (POWA).
The Project goal is to create a database of Soto Zen women ancestors for training and discussions related to how these women influenced the sharing of the Dharma in India, China, Japan, the United States and Canada.
Among other things she will talk about is the influence of Mahpajapati and compassion as fundamental to leadership and sangha harmony
Here are the Practice Leaders vows taken in 2021:
1. Organizing the various practice events of the Sangha to include online and in person activities
2. Learning the practice protocols of the Soto Zen services as taught in the Silent Thunder Order
3. Serving as facilitator of services and other Sangha events in the absence of the Guiding Teacher
4. Facilitating the Sangha’s Women Ancestor Project
5. Maintaining the property of the Sangha to include library, artifacts, Doan instruments, while assisting in archiving the teachings of the SANGHA
6. Becoming an active Disciple within the Silent Thunder Order
7. Assisting the Guiding Teacher in the financial management of the Sangha
8. Assisting the Guiding Teacher in finding locations for services, Sesshins, and Zazenkai
9. Assisting the Guiding Teacher in evaluating services and programs of the Sangha
10. Assisting the Guiding Teacher in preparing the Sangha Annual Report and Plans for the Coming year
11. Facilitating Dharma discussions among members of the Sangha as requested
12. Identifying committee work within the Silent Thunder Order in which to offer service.
13. Being the contact person for activities within the Silent Thunder Order in consultation with the Guiding Teacher
14. Facilitating other assignments as requested by the Guiding Teacher
15. Maintaining a journal/record of one’s service in tenure as Practice Leader
Please join us in appreciation of Mokuo’s servant-leadership role to the Falmouth Soto Zen Sangha.
108 Bows,